Choose your dates and your car. Fill out your personal info. Upload a photo of your license or send it to us by email. Pay for the rental by any major credit card or PayPal. You can also call to book
We will deliver the Tesla to your hotel, home or office. We can also meet you at the airport or at our Downtown location. We will give you a full tour of the car and its features so you are ready to drive
Take the Tesla for a road trip, a special event or an extended test drive. To recharge at any time, visit Tesla’s Supercharger stations (free) or any public stations using the cards in the car (free on us)
When you are done, we will pick up the car from your hotel, home or office. You can also drop it off at the airport or you can drop it off at our Downtown Montreal location
Choose your dates and your car. Fill out your personal info. Upload a photo of your license or send it to us by email. Pay for the rental by any major credit card or PayPal. You can also call to book
We will deliver the Tesla to your hotel, home or office. We can also meet you at the airport or at our Downtown location. We will give you a full tour of the car and its features so you are ready to drive off
Take the Tesla for a road trip, a special event or an extended test drive. To recharge at any time, visit Tesla’s Supercharger stations (free) or any public stations using the cards in the car (free on us).
When you are done, we will pick up the car from your hotel, home or office. You can also drop it off at the airport or you can drop it off at our Downtown Montreal location.
Rental, Insurance & Taxes are paid at time of booking
Security Deposit of $2,000 for MS & MX | $500 for M3 & MY is collected at time of car delivery
You must be over 25 years old & have a valid driver's license
We accept all major credit cards & Paypal - no cash

All prices are in Canadian dollars
Before you call to book, please note the following
Choose the Tesla model you want to rent
And decide on the date & time for your pickup
Check your license is valid
and your name matches license and credit card
Email front & back photos of your
valid driver’s license to
By renting our cars, you agree to all our Terms & Conditions
Evoto insurance is mandatory. Your personal and credit card insurance will not cover you