For every rental completed, Evoto plants 10 Trees on your behalf to offset carbon emissions & help families build sustainable forest gardens. During your rental, you use zero emissions as electricity in Quebec is generated by Hydro power.

Helping People & The Planet
Industrial agriculture is the leading contributor to climate change right before emissions from oil powered transportation. Forest Gardens are a sustainable alternative that change lives & save the environment
Electric cars are the future method that will help us get off fossil fuels and combat climate change
When you plant trees
We remove megatons of green house gases from the atmosphere
We reverse environment degradation & restore biodiversity
We offset our carbon footprint & mitigate climate change
We help impoverished farmers increase their income by 400%
We help locals avoid using chemical fertilizers & pesticides
We empower women & help families feed their communities
For every rental completed
Evoto plants 10 Trees on your behalf in a Forest Garden in Africa
Forest Gardens help improve environmental sustainability
They also give impoverished farmers hope, food & work
This is good for the environment & the people
Evoto plants these trees with the help of
An organization that has already planted 50 million trees worldwide